martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

the end game

The movie “the end game” talks about the rich and powerful countries of the whole world want to take the control over the world. These world powers such as United States of America, try to create an union, like the European Union, this mean that don’t exist limits in their territory and power. In the movie we see how Alex Jones, the director, gives to their audience historical bill about how this elite ascent to the power. Jones reveals how they have founded the ascent of dictators and financed the bloodiest wars, creating order against the chaos, to facilitate the one in route to the first and true world empire. In the movie you see how all Jones’ equipment pursue a group called Bilderberg, is a conference that only can go powerful people, to show their secret conferences, to create the third world war. These elite want to eliminate the 80 percent of population, which belongs to the poor people. Once eliminated the poor population, 20% remaining, that is to say the rich and powerful of the world, the richest going to live with the resources, the wealth and the technology that the world have. This has great example with what Adolfo Hitler sought to make, to create a perfect race, in this case to create a perfect society full with powerful people. In all the movie the director try to show all the ways that this elite group come to the power and at the same time show information that the media hide for long time.

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