domingo, 19 de julio de 2009

what would you do to help people in your carrer??

One of the biggest problem in the society and economic
because this canal is old, ande in the time when it was construc
the ships were smaller, but today with the industralitation
the ships are bigger.
and these ships couldnt pass the canal, so for pass pacific to atlantic
they have to travel around the continent and it is a big problem
because the taxes of any ships are bigger, because consume more gas
and the ships lose time to go to other city with the cargament
so if a i could reconstruc the canal
i will help with the entire wolrd and his economy

what would you do if you have a job?

if a have a job, i will be a honest and responsable person
so i dont believe that the final justifique the ways to make
So i never will work in a dirty work with ilegals things
so if i have a job i will be responsable i will try to go early everyday
and make all my responsabilities at time, in adition if i have to
stay late in the office i will be stay here
im a perseverant people so i will try to be the best in mi job
the best engineer in my specialitation.
so every people could be the best
if they do everything happy.

domingo, 12 de julio de 2009

Points of KNOWING

  • the movie begin his story in 1959
  • the teacher aks her studetns to imaginite the future
  • a lot of students draw pictures
  • but lucinda only write a lot of numbers
  • the teacher keep the documents in a capsule
  • 50 years later Caleb found the documents
  • Jhon discover that the numbers have secuencial sense
  • the numbers are a predictions
  • caleb recieve `mental whispers for strange people
  • the numbers discover a catastorfic accidents
  • the number show the number of people that will died with the accident
  • the numbers predict a plane accident
  • also predict a sibway accident
  • Jhon search lucinda`s daugther
  • Diana has a dauhther with the same caleb old
  • Diana dont believe in Jhon
  • but later the subway disaster Diana search Jhon
  • abby also recieve the whispers
  • the last numbers secuency throw that the earth wil be destroy
  • only a few select people could ear the whispers
  • abby and caleb had been stole for the strange people
  • Jhon acept that he has to let go his kid
  • jhon go to visit his family
  • jhon huhge her his family and the earth has distroyed
  • the final is horrible
  • caleb and abby had leave in other planet
  • this planet is new and clean

domingo, 21 de junio de 2009

French Revolution

Fraternity, equality and freedom, were the 3 factors
on which it was held the revolution, but does this really
exist? Is this really the way a revolution of peace and
equality? Or was that just a pretext to overthrow the
king and the feudal lords and take power, we leave this
event? It was for good or evil. Really helps us now to
have a better life.

Well certainly something we may change is that today
we will have slaves of a king or a lord of mighty, now
we have a job and we are masters of our fate, able to
decide who should and can do, we can each day seeking
the best for us and not have to obey other people, and
without having to obtain the same lifetime regardless
of the effort to do.

But today there will be exploitation? No longer is that
certain powerful people trample the dignity of the weak,
and obliges them to make a overwork, then where is the
equality? If there is a relationship between boss and worker
there where fraternity, and also there is no freedom absolute.
You think that was necessary to continue as it has killed so
many innocent people in France when the revolution happened.

On the other hand said that they were married from oppression
and pay tribute to the king, but today all citizens pay high taxes
to the state, then where is the change. If all that is still the same.
They were many claims on the debts of royalty with the outside
world, and are seen as the nations is rising a bit in debt with
international funds, here no change there.

I believe that if man does not change its ideology alone in thinking,
not revolution or change will be worth because everything is
always the same, but viewed at different angles. The problem is not
the type of government or in the way a nation. The problem is man
q must change and think of community, understanding that only
together can succeed. The revolution was something historic and impressive,
but it contains many things that should not happen, such as avoiding the
killing of so many people. Any political system looks for the best, but in
different ways, so you should only seek to do good. The problem is not
ideology, the problem is man.

aliens are exist??

i dont believe in UFOS but, a lot of people dont be
agree with me.

the cientifics, believe that they cretae the piramids
of Egypt, because is for the human an imposiblle work
so they need a sobrenatural help, because this construccion
was impossible for the egypts.

other think that JESUS and the UFOS had a relation, and
the all signals that made Jesus maybe could be doing with
the help of the ufos.

so a think taht this 2 things are imposible to believe
because i belive in only one God, and if the ufos are exist
we already can see a lot of theys, but never could seeing

imagination or memory??

when the time began to ran, and a very hard exam
is near to be started, i only had one metod to study
and memorize the questions of the exam.

the imagination is very important because it help
us to get more involved in the subject, it creates a
atmospher that makes the learning easier but we
dont study because we want to learn more and to
apply all the knowledge in a future, work, home,
etc; and the only way to do this is with memory.

the memory is the one who all the information
that we are reading and watching and procees
through the imagination picture, sand a lets of
plops to make easier the understanding.

in conclusion i think that both are important
because we need both to understand more and
faster what we want to know.

martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

the end game

The movie “the end game” talks about the rich and powerful countries of the whole world want to take the control over the world. These world powers such as United States of America, try to create an union, like the European Union, this mean that don’t exist limits in their territory and power. In the movie we see how Alex Jones, the director, gives to their audience historical bill about how this elite ascent to the power. Jones reveals how they have founded the ascent of dictators and financed the bloodiest wars, creating order against the chaos, to facilitate the one in route to the first and true world empire. In the movie you see how all Jones’ equipment pursue a group called Bilderberg, is a conference that only can go powerful people, to show their secret conferences, to create the third world war. These elite want to eliminate the 80 percent of population, which belongs to the poor people. Once eliminated the poor population, 20% remaining, that is to say the rich and powerful of the world, the richest going to live with the resources, the wealth and the technology that the world have. This has great example with what Adolfo Hitler sought to make, to create a perfect race, in this case to create a perfect society full with powerful people. In all the movie the director try to show all the ways that this elite group come to the power and at the same time show information that the media hide for long time.

domingo, 17 de mayo de 2009

The " GEN" story

A lot of generations before; a crazy man had a genuine idea.
He thought that the water it been made of atoms of the other elements.
It was the genesis of the science and genetic; he told that the oxygen and hydrogen
were the elements to create the water; he generate a lot of studies to determinate this;
Now this is a part of the general knowledge of people.