domingo, 19 de julio de 2009

what would you do to help people in your carrer??

One of the biggest problem in the society and economic
because this canal is old, ande in the time when it was construc
the ships were smaller, but today with the industralitation
the ships are bigger.
and these ships couldnt pass the canal, so for pass pacific to atlantic
they have to travel around the continent and it is a big problem
because the taxes of any ships are bigger, because consume more gas
and the ships lose time to go to other city with the cargament
so if a i could reconstruc the canal
i will help with the entire wolrd and his economy

what would you do if you have a job?

if a have a job, i will be a honest and responsable person
so i dont believe that the final justifique the ways to make
So i never will work in a dirty work with ilegals things
so if i have a job i will be responsable i will try to go early everyday
and make all my responsabilities at time, in adition if i have to
stay late in the office i will be stay here
im a perseverant people so i will try to be the best in mi job
the best engineer in my specialitation.
so every people could be the best
if they do everything happy.

domingo, 12 de julio de 2009

Points of KNOWING

  • the movie begin his story in 1959
  • the teacher aks her studetns to imaginite the future
  • a lot of students draw pictures
  • but lucinda only write a lot of numbers
  • the teacher keep the documents in a capsule
  • 50 years later Caleb found the documents
  • Jhon discover that the numbers have secuencial sense
  • the numbers are a predictions
  • caleb recieve `mental whispers for strange people
  • the numbers discover a catastorfic accidents
  • the number show the number of people that will died with the accident
  • the numbers predict a plane accident
  • also predict a sibway accident
  • Jhon search lucinda`s daugther
  • Diana has a dauhther with the same caleb old
  • Diana dont believe in Jhon
  • but later the subway disaster Diana search Jhon
  • abby also recieve the whispers
  • the last numbers secuency throw that the earth wil be destroy
  • only a few select people could ear the whispers
  • abby and caleb had been stole for the strange people
  • Jhon acept that he has to let go his kid
  • jhon go to visit his family
  • jhon huhge her his family and the earth has distroyed
  • the final is horrible
  • caleb and abby had leave in other planet
  • this planet is new and clean